Saturday, April 3, 2010

Auschwitz Visit

We have just finished our visit to the camp and it was a somber experience for all. Besides the reality of the crimes that happened there, the biggest shock is how the Nazis knew and hid the death camp reality from the public and the victims. The students were commenting how they read about it and seen the pictures of Auschwitz but walking under sign "Arbeit Macht Frei" (which means "work makes free" oh the irony) and walking in the gas chambers and by the furnaces brought a sense of what exactly happened there.
In the afternoon, we visited Wadowice (birthplace of Pope John Paul II). We were able to enter the church of his childhood and first ordaination. There was Easter Saturday prayers being said in Polish. After Wadowice we returned to Krakow for supper.

A hello from Mrs Gaydosh to her sister Adriana Salvia.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I hear Vienna is beautiful. Enjoy your time there and thanks for the nice hello from Mrs. Gaydosh. Happy Easter. Am enjoying the blog updates!

    Adriana Salvia
